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Tuesday 13 May 2014

Little Moments of Joy

  Hope you all are doing great and ready to embrace your exams. ;) I have been very busy with my tough schedule and was unable to share something with you guys. My 3rd semester is almost to an end and exams are on the head(please pray!). But I took some time out and now finally up with a new blog post.
"YOLO" (You Only Live Once), I'm sure you must have come across this phrase many a times while surfing on internet. We have been so much blessed alhamdulillah but many of us are lacking peace of heart and there's some kind of dissatisfaction that lies within us. There might be many reasons for this vexation of life and for sure solutions are also there.
     Caring for others and sharing their good times to me is one of the best solution. Because bringing smile on someone's face somewhat gives a feeling of contentment in the heart. And there are many ways by which you can make someone feel special.
1) Giving your friends/siblings birthday surprises or by dazing your parents by a small cake or some gifts on their wedding anniversary. 

My parents' 25th wedding anniversary cake
My ami's birthday- She was almost asleep when we woke her up at 12a.m.
to surprise her. :)

"My cousin's 20th birthday"- One month before her rukhsati.

My brother's 21st. He came back home late from university, very tired.And his face lit up
when he saw bringing us the cake and gifts for him.
Celebrating Hafsa's first year to the world.

My friend from Lahore- She was almost into tears when we delighted
her on her 18th birthday.

Reading her card enthusiastically.

One of my beloved friend Rabbiah's 18th birthday. Card made by me!

One thing I would like to mention here that celebrating birthdays or anniversaries is just a way of sharing happiness and to make one feel that he/she is important to you. But that's not the only way.
      2) You can also bring smile on those faces that are innocent or people who are suffering hardships in life. Your little act may cherish some moments of their lives.
Swat'13- I asked this cute little egg-selling guy If I could take his picture. It made him happy
although he was shy at first. (:

3)Or you can go into the kitchen and make something for someone.

Made by me for my dad.

So... The purpose was to tell that there are actually many countless ways to cheer or please someone. You just have to give a thought and enjoy your life with the people who love you. Cherish the little moments of joy!

Omama Farooq.

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