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Sunday 17 February 2019

Strawberry Sponge Cake

I have always found sponge cakes difficult to make until I made this one. Followed this super easy peasy recipe with less ingredients and my cake turned out so fresh, light and fluffy. I am always nervous when I bake anything new because I have had some bad experiences in the past, lol. But little did I expect that this recipe would be a hit. So why not to share with you all?!

Sponge cake:
Eggs (room temperature) 6 large or 7 small
Sugar 1 cup
Flour 1 cup
Baking powder 1/2 tsp
Vanilla essence 1.5 tsp

Sugar (as required)

Whipped cream (Foster Clarks or any available one)


  • Beat the eggs with an electric mixer on high speed for 1 minute.
  • With the mixer on, gradually add the sugar and now beat for 8 mins until the mixture becomes thick and fluffy.

  • Fold in the sifted baking powder and flour into the batter gently with the help of spatula and make sure to scrap the bottom. DO NOT over mix.

  • Pour into a baking pan lined with butter paper and flour dusted on it.

  • Bake at 180 degree Celsius for 25-30 mins or till its done.
Strawberry Sauce:Blend strawberries with sugar as per your taste.
Time to frost the cake.

Cut the cake into equal haves. My husband did that for me as I felt too nervous. :P
Look at that perfect brown colour. <3
Spread the strawberry sauce. Let it absorb and then spread the whipped cream.
Cover with the second layer. Decorate the cake the way you want to.


Monday 7 January 2019

Nikah Pen

Image credits: MM FOTOZ 
Hello all, welcome back to the blog! This is my first DIY post. I am trying to be more active here as well as on my instagram page these days. So you will get to see more content i'A!

The trend of fancy nikah pens is going on for a while now. There are a lot of sellers whom you can buy from in Pakistan. Small or big, I love doing DIY projects. The feeling when you put in effort and love while creating stuff is something else. So last year when I was about to get nikahfied, I wanted to create a nikah pen on my own. I sat down and thought of the things that would be needed. Nothing complicated or difficult to buy...

The pen turned out so good m'A and when I shared pictures on my social media a lot of friends asked me how I did it. Then recently I decided to post on my blog for the ease of every one who wants to make it.

Things you'll need:
Blue or black ball point (the one that has a cap)
Golden pearl string
Golden tape
Peacock feathers
Flowers of your choice
Glue gun

(I bought all the stuff from Universal, TV Station Rd, Khi).


Stick the tape around the pen very smoothly. Putting on a golden tape gives good finishing. 
Using a glue gun, adhere the golden pearl string in a round fashion.
Stick the feathers onto the top of the pen.
Stick the flowers on the feathers closely so the tape and the feathers' base underneath becomes invisible.
Tadaaa.... You're done!

A closeup of the pen.
Beautiful pens made by friends for their special occasions......